Pandora Music & Radio
Ending Sorcery Accusation-Related Violence with Miranda Forsyth
This episode will lightly introduce you to Melanesia sorcery accusation violence through an eye opening and informative conversation with professor and advocate Miranda Forsyth, Professor in the School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) in the College of Asia and Pacific at ANU. She is the Director of the Working Committee for The International Network Against Accusations of Witchcraft and Associated Harmful Practices. Miranda’s geographical focus has been primarily in the Pacific Islands region, particularly Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea. Her current research projects include focusing on a multi-year project on overcoming sorcery accusation related violence in Papua New Guinea. This is Thou Shalt Not Suffer Podcasts first look at the Pacific Island region witch hunt. We ask: Why do we witch hunt? How do we witch hunt? How do we stop hunting witches? Stop Sorcery Violence in PNG Sorcery National Action Plan The International Network Fighting the Wildfire of SARV Australian National University Wildfire StoryMap Announcement Purchase a Witch Trial White Rose Memorial Button Support Us! Sign up as a Super Listener! End Witch Hunts Movement Thou Shalt Not Suffer Podcast Book Store Support Us! Buy Witch Trial Merch! Support Us! Buy Podcast Merch! Join us on Discord to share your ideas and feedback. Website Twitter Facebook Instagram Pinterest LinkedIn YouTube TikTok Discord Buzzsprout Mailchimp Donate Support the show