Pandora Music & Radio
Lessons from the South Dakota Ranchers’ Rebellion Against Liberal Republicans | Guest: Amanda Radke | 6/6/24
Today, we commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-day. Thanks to their sacrifice, we no longer need to risk our lives at Omaha Beach. They established a physical beachhead; we merely need to establish a political beachhead in red America against today’s forces of tyranny. I’m joined today by South Dakota rancher Amanda Radke, who briefs us on the spectacular primary victories over the green energy pipeline crowd. She explains how a grassroots effort behind a common cause to conserve something as sacred as American ranching and land ownership was the most important fight of the year. We learn the lessons of their successes and plot a strategy to end this pipeline altogether. It’s not just about the pipeline, either. We are fighting for the heart and soul of red states – whether they are open for free-market business or whether they are for sale to crony left-wing interests that create fake jobs propped up by the federal government on the backs of the people. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit