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Military OneSource Podcast — Intel for Tax Season From a MilTax Consultant
Learn how a free MilTax consultant can help maximize your tax refunds by ensuring you receive every tax benefit your military service entitles you to. Host Bruce Moody speaks with Michelle Aldana, with Military Community and Family Policy, and Fred Koch, a Military OneSource financial counselor and tax consultant. Michelle provides a general overview of MilTax, and Fred, who is retired from the Air Force, shares: • The most common tax-related questions that he gets as a MilTax consultant • A real example of how he was able to help a MilTax user save thousands of dollars • Unique tax tips for military families • The benefits of calling on MilTax consultants when you need help. Visit Military OneSource at to learn about the resources and support available to service members and families. Bruce Moody is a public affairs specialist with the office of Military Community and Family Policy. Share your feedback about this podcast as well as ideas for future episodes by visiting the Military OneSource Podcasts Feedback Form at The Military OneSource Podcast series is an official resource of the Defense Department. For more information, visit or call 800-342-9647. Military OneSource is your 24/7 connection to information, answers and support to help you reach your goals, overcome challenges and thrive.
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