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12. Associations Thrive - Interview with Sue Cunningham, President & CEO, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
How do you lead a global organization, across time zones and languages? How do you reimagine a governance structure that no longer serves your organization’s strategic goals? How do you help your members advance their careers with intention? In this episode of Associations Thrive host Joanna Pineda interviews Sue Cunningham, President and CEO of The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Sue introduces CASE, talks about why higher education is still worthwhile, shares her journey to becoming President and CEO, and then shares how CASE is thriving through: A nimble culture, a curious staff, and committee volunteers An updated governance structure that saw CASE reduce from 11 fiduciary boards down to   one fiduciary board, while retaining regional councils and district cabinets Upgraded technology for CASE Global reporting standards that guide members in different areas, including donor ethics, fundraising, etc. A new career journey framework that gives members guidance on how to advance in their careers in the areas of strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, financial acumen, relationship building, etc.  AMAtlas, a program wherein members participate in surveys and then receive aggregate data from all respondents; these metrics allow members to compare data around the world and share what’s working A new book called Global Exchange: Conversations with Sue Cunningham  References: CASE website CASE Global Reporting Standards Sue’s new book - Global Exchange: Dialogues to Advance Education by President and CEO Sue Cunningham
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