Pandora Music & Radio
The Pale Blue Eye - "Wah wah wah! I'm a sad boy!"
Welcome to Steam Powered Movies! The movie podcast hosted by Dana & Mike Fraedrich where we watch steampunk movies and then talk about them. For this episode we watched the new Netflix original film "The Pale Blue Eye". This detective story is not only inspired by the works of Edgar Allen Poe, he's also a character in the story! But how faithfully is he portrayed? And do we like him? Also, how steampunk is this movie? Find out all this and more as we wind down the dark and twisted path before us... For more information about the upcoming Steampunk convention mentioned in this episode, visit: If you enjoy this podcast, please leave us a review! Also, follow us on Twitter @SteamPoweredPod for up-to-date news & release notifications. For more info on Dana's books & events visit Theme music by Mike Fraedrich (c) 2022
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